With billions around the globe cheering it on, the clock ticked down to midnight. In a split second December 31, 2015 became January 1, 2016 and with it, the feeling of new possibilities awoke.
What is it about the birth of a new year that causes us to celebrate? It is an opportunity to release the old and embrace the new. There is a sense of hope that things can be better, that life can be better. But how do we seize that opportunity and make it a reality?
Releasing is the prerequisite to embracing. If you are clutching something, you are not free to embrace something different. You might not even realize that you are clutching because your hand or mind has been in that contracted state for so long it seems "normal." Letting go of a pencil only requires the awareness that you're holding it and the decision to open your fingers.
Pain, whether physical, mental or emotional is like quicksand: it's easy to get stuck in. What if you could release it? What if as in gripping a pencil you could simply open your hand and let it go? The first step is awareness, followed by decision.
I invite you to identify one, the one that you decide now January 2016, to be free for good so that you can embrace what you'd prefer and say Hello to Life.
To your new day and your New Year,