Resilience is the hub of human and organizational sustainability. Yet, current studies show unprecedented levels of stress, burnout, attrition, and disengagement. With over 40% of senior leaders burned out, 67% of the world's workforce unengaged/actively disengaged at a cost of $7.8 TRILLION, organizations that want to succeed need a comprehensive strategy that builds resilience in every person and aspect of the business.
To support your most impacted seniors leaders, we work as a consultant or fractional resilience leader within your organization to design and implement a comprehensive resilience strategy. This proactive approach systematically addresses organizational needs by improving individual and collective resilience.
Sustainable organizational success depends on a mentally, physically, and functionally healthy team.
The Kinessage® programs provide leadership and team self-directed resilience solutions for chronic stress and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), the two leading causes of attrition, lost productivity, employee health challenges, and healthcare expense.
Empowering people to relieve stress and muscular tension in the moment translates to healthier, happier people, lower healthcare costs, a better culture, and a healthier bottom line.
Mindful Resilience Training
Science-based techniques to think clearly, engage authentically, and recharge the body/mind.
Kinessage Self-Care Training
Proven therapeutic movements to release muscular pain & tension, increase mobility and focus without drugs or office visits.