Kathleen Gramzay

Intentions Without Action Are Meaningless - Part 2

Kathleen Gramzay

Intentions without action can also be costly and inconvenient.

It only took one day to get the new phone. But it took three trips over four days, three different cable shipments, and the skill and persistence of an exceptional technology wizard named Mike Alger to restore my life's schedule - my calendar. Although I had previously been in this store several times precisely to get the phone calendar to sync with Google calendar, he and I had never crossed paths. Through use of a mouse and a monitor Mike figured out how to remotely access and transfer the calendar off the old phone which otherwise could not be seen or accessed. It was my blessing that this Air Force technology communications specialist "happened" to be working his last few days at this location before heading elsewhere for duty. I was beyond grateful when on the third visit and his last day we triumphantly watched the monitor record the data transfer.

There was another blessing I didn't anticipate.

In those twenty-four hours sans cell phone, I realized two things. I could indeed exist without text, voice mail or even my calendar for a few days. More surprisingly, I secretly relished the peace present in the void of notification sounds clamoring for my attention. I also noticed a greater capacity to focus on the subject of attention in the moment. 

I have a new intention that I am backing up with action.

Several times throughout the day, I now practice not jumping immediately when phone tones beckon. I even turn off my phone completely when I want to concentrate on something important. Who knew that in being unceremoniously disconnected from the world I would reconnect with my capacity to more deeply focus my mind and be more peacefully productive.

What intention have you been meaning to get to that hasn't made it quite to action yet?

To your peace and productivity,


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