Kathleen Gramzay

Body/Mind Resilience Training for Mental & Physical Health

Kinessage® Mindful Resilience training is different than most leadership training. It addresses poor performance, toxic culture, disengagement, and attrition at a neurological root-cause level.

Chronic stress impedes critical thinking, creativity and collaboration, the very qualities needed to create and sustain a healthy business and culture.

Mindful Resilience Provides Leaders with Effective Tools to:

  • Restore focus, creative thinking, and positive engagement with others
  • To lead with clarity, confidence, and compassion, and
  • Build resilience, increasing the capacity to better handle stress and change

What Does Mindful Resilience Training Look Like?

Mindful Resilience™ gives your leaders and teams techniques that switch stress into focused thinking, high performance, and greater collaboration. Live and virtual interactive training options are offered along with a variety of post-training support program tools for optimum assimilation and investment value. 

Facilitated Leadership Training (live or virtual)

90-Minute Body/Mind Resilience Intro Interactive Workshop

Science-Based Concepts and Body/Mind Practices for Leader’s Personal Application 

This interactive program teaches leaders body/mind principles and techniques to shift the nervous system out of frustration, anxiety, overwhelm back to critical thinking, positive social engagement and immune system function for increased focus, collaboration, and greater confidence in decision making under pressure.

3-Hour In-Person or Live Webinar Leadership Interactive Body/Mind Breakthrough

Science-Based Concepts and Body/Mind Practices for Leader’s Personal and Managerial Application. This program builds on the Intro program with additional concepts, tools, and expands leader focus to managerial application of these tools.

Virtual Team Mindful Resilience Interactive Training

4 Weekly 30-Minute Live Webinars Sessions Your employees will be led through empowering science-based concepts and body/mind practices to shift their stress reactions out of frustration, anxiety, and overwhelm back to focused thinking, positive social engagement and increased immune system function.

Pre-Recorded Mindful Resilience Self-Directed Virtual Team Training

Pre-recorded 3-segment format of the Mindful Resilience Intro or Breakthrough programs with 30-day employee access via company specific portal. Includes Post Program Survey & Leadership Findings Report Meeting, 52-week email Resilience Reminder Support, and Supervisor Lead Technique Brief Outline.

Once we’ve met and learned your needs and objectives, we’ll design a custom proposal to address them in the most effective manner to create the biggest impact. Need a shorter, 60-minute program or want to do a longer retreat intensive? Let’s talk further.

Contact Us to Schedule a Consult
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